Our chickens live in a discarded ambulance. It’s the body of the ambulance mounted on a flatbed trailer, so we can move it. We move the chicken house (with the chickens inside) into the vegetable garden in the late fall when the garden is finished for the year. The chickens spend the winter there, scratching up insects, eating the last vegetables, and fertilizing the garden for next year. In the spring we pull them to a shady spot behind our house. They like to hang out under the raspberry bushes when it’s hot.
It’s the best chicken house we have ever had. It has electricity. It’s quite warm in the winter. The chickens roost and lay their eggs in the little cubbyholes where the medics used to keep their medicine.
We don’t put a fence around our chickens. They can roam wherever they like in the daytime. At night we shut them up inside the house. That doesn’t protect them from all predators, but it does help. The dogs keep predators away too. It’s a pretty nice life for a chicken.
Super creative, Ruth! You continue to show me, first in your books and now in your blog posts, that farm life is nothing like I imagine it to be. =) There’s actually a new law in Vancouver that allows us to own 4 chickens maximum in the city — my brother’s seriously considering it, so we’ve been talking all about chickens these days and he’ll love this post! =) Can’t wait to share it with him!
Dear Samantha, I hope your brother decides to have some chickens. I love them. They are interesting creatures, and it’s so nice to have animals around. You can get all kinds of fancy varieties that are beautiful too. If he would like to ask me any questions about raising chickens, I would be glad to try to answer them. Give him my e-mail if you think he would like to have it.